I would like to write an article on the topic of living our lives to our fullest potential. What is full potential? There are many different takes on how one can express themselves fully in life. How they can express full potential through action, thoughts, contribution, emotion, will, etc. I believe there are several components which compose of a life fully potentialized. Purpose, physiology, quality and quantity of thoughts and actions, experience which converts to perspective and wisdom and the level of exertion of all these things as a sum. Metabolism in my mind is of paramount importance as it directly influences our ability to process events, matter, ideas make decisions. When I talk about metabolism I speak in terms of the rate of every single process in our body. Lets take examples of people who express amazing amounts of potential and who as a result move the world with their thoughts, actions and emotions. Someone who immediately comes to my mind is Tony Robbins. This is someone who has devoted his life to examining people and what motivates, shapes and produces maximum potential and development in them. He understands every aspect that drives and shapes us at its very core.
Tony Robbins is the product of what he teaches. Highly spiritual, and in a state of vibrant health and peak mental performance. He processes ideas and things at extrememly high speeds and in my mind is the closest thing to life expressed at its fullest. Full potential=Energy output(kj) This is a combination of brain energy, physical energy, emotional energy, thermogenic energy(given off by heat)+basal metabolic rate(rate required to function without any activity) If you add all these factors you get total energy output. In order to achieve things and accomplish things on a large scale massive amounts of energy are required. For example, look at a nuclear reaction vs. Chemical reaction. You are looking at 1000000kj vs. 1000kj of energy required. What is the resulting effect? A chemical reaction effects change in moderate proportions vs. A nuclear reaction which effects change in gargantuan proportions.
In my mind the average human is barely at the chemical level of energy expenditure. Living barely close to a high level of performance. What is the result? These people do not effect much change in their life of anyone elses life or the world around them for that matter. They are just getting by, following the current of the tide. Like a school of fish in the bottom of the ocean. Almost invisible. Is life not about having significance, being significant? Making an impression; an imprint on the world. So how do we go from ordinary to highly effective? I believe constant consistent expansion is required. Making a conscious effort every day to increase our energy output. Directed in an action oriented fashion. Setting goals that are compelling even if they seem unrealistic and moving strongly in their direction against all resistance like a sailor steering a vessel against the current in the most turbulent seas. The strongest resistance produces the greatest positive change in life. W=FD where F=exertion x a length(m) or speed(m/s) x period of time (s). Our potential can be directly related to physics and understanding this concept can help us to live out full expression. When you look at weight training, you can understand the concept of resistance and energy output. When we first start training we exert a small amount energy output and exert small amounts of force and effect insignificance on opposing resistance. With consistent training we build a greater amount of force and can endure higher amounts of resistance and on a large scale effect greater significance. The energy output is higher W(KJ). Some of the greatest minds go by the philosophy that we should always work to broaden our sphere of control and influence. As this will consequently invite bigger and more significant opportunities in our lives. This is directly related to exerting ourselves against resistance. With constant effort we can only expand our sphere. Setting compelling goals are like heavy weights that with consistent effort will eventually be forcefully moved. Adding greater volume and shape to our physic. Just like we will add greater volume and depth to our soul and character through exertion of will and intelligence.
What prevents us from moving mountains and seeking the summits? Limiting beliefs and accepting current conditions. We have all heard the saying “act on life or it will act on you”. If I could adopt one belief it would be this one. This is the single most distinguishable factor between significance and insignificance. Those who exert force lead a life of significance and those who waddle about are forced upon. If we can keep this in our mind and live with force we are living out our potential. What more can you ask for?